IBM TRIRIGA is an integrated workplace management system (IWMS) designed to enhance your experience and streamline your processes when managing your real estate and facilities. TRIRIGA is an intelligent system that helps organizations manage their facilities, people and assets all-in-one platform. The Building Inspection App is one of many customizable applications that operates within TRIRIGA and can be accessed via a mobile device, connecting all captured and tracked data into one management system for your organization.
After two years of attending various virtual conferences, the Tjene Team was excited to finally attend an in-person MaximoWorld and TririgaWorld 2022 conference onAustin, TX. From August 9th to 11th the team joined several other companies to network and participate in various workshop sessions.
IBM TRIRIGA’s Locate Tool, also known as the Locate app, was designed to improve workplace experiences by allowing employees to easily and quickly search and locate their colleagues, meeting rooms, and additional office spaces. Learn how the IBM TRIRIGA Locate Tool can help your employees find office space and colleagues with the click of a button.
IBM TRIRIGA’s Facilities Management tools allow for the submission of service requests, management of work tasks, and completion of services to flow seamlessly between different roles within your organization. At the same time, TRIRIGA allows these work tasks to be tracked and recorded within one convenient and intuitive system. View the live demonstration of how a powerful IWMS like IBM TRIIGA can help you streamline processes, improve productivity, and optimize your workplace.
Dynamic space planning gives organizations more flexibility and greater resiliency to adapt to rapidly changing situations, while also providing insights to save time and cut costs. It also makes it easier for employees to find what they need to do their jobs–whether it’s an open desk, meeting room, department, or even their colleagues. Watch this demo to see how IBM TRIRIGA can help you quickly adapt your workplace to the needs of your employees.
Workplace reservation systems have become a key tool for companies as they implement their back to work strategies. As discussed in our previous blog, back to work with a seamless reservation system, many organizations have turned to technology solutions like IBM TRIRIGA's Reserve app (TRIRIGA Reserve) to ensure that employees are able to book workspaces upon returning to the office. Using their mobile devices, employees can access TRIRIGA Reserve on-the-go, easily review available spaces, and reserve hot desks or meeting rooms ahead of time. With every reservation, the employee will receive a confirmation email with an attachment to add the reservation to their Microsoft Outlook calendar.
On Thursday, June 22nd, our Tjene team participated in our second Bloorview Bowlers fundraising event. Various companies across Toronto came together for a friendly competition, great music, as well as food and beverages to support Holland Bloorview and their continual programs and services they provide to many children and youth.
On Friday, June 9th, 2023, our Tjene team joined One Million Trees Mississauga for our fifth tree planting event. This year, we planted a total of 125 trees at Mississauga's Huron Park, which brings our team's total count to 653 trees planted to date!
Our Tjene team joins Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital for our 5th Capes for Kids fundraiser! Holland Bloorview is Canada's largest pediatric rehabilitation hospital in Toronto, providing facilities, support, resources and various programs to help many families who have children with disabilities. We are so glad to have the opportunity to give back to our community through Holland Bloorview's annual Capes for Kids fundraiser.